
I'm .jretion and this is my webpage. I'm around online in a lot of places, as you might have seen.

You may be thinking to yourself something along the lines of "Who is this broad and did she really leave her website dormant for like at least 4 years? Why is she back now?"

The first answer? Look at the first of these lines, silly. Second, yes. Why? I learnt a bit more HTML since then. I also thought that since I will be learning more about programming and such (including the use of JavaScript), I may as well have a place where I can just put up whatever dumb stuff I wanna practice doing. Lucky you!

Now, at the request of a friend, enjoy this picture of a stock photo of some old woman with a gun.

A stock photo of an old white woman with grey hair pointing a gun to the right of the frame.

I do suppose that this page doesn't say much about who I am, right? So, if you wanna know more about me I guess you could click here, maybe?